[预订]The Grammar of Interactional Language 9781108741446
预订 Interactional Justice: The Role of Emotions in the Performance of Loyalty 互动公平:情感在忠诚表现中的作用: 9780367
【预售】Prosody in Conversation: Interactional Studies
[预订]Interactional Ethnography 9781032104683
【预售 按需印刷】Discourse in Interactional Contexts
预售 按需印刷 Interactional Justice
【预售 按需印刷】Interactional Research Into Problem-Based Learning
预售 按需印刷 Linguistic and Interactional Modifications
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[预订]Expressions, Speech Acts and Discourse: A Pedagogic Interactional Grammar of English
【预订】Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence 9780367728854
海外直订Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings: From School to the Workplac 机构环境中的互动能力:从学
海外直订Developing Interactional Competence in a Japanese Study Abroad Context 在日本留学背景下发展互动能力
【预售】Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of
【预售】Perspectives in Interactional Psychology
【预售】The Interactional Architecture Of The Language
海外直订Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence: Bridging Theory and Practice 第二语言互动能力的教学与测试
海外直订医药图书Conversations with an Alzheimer's Patient: An Interactional Sociolinguistic Stud 与阿尔茨海默病患者
【预订】Interactional Coaching
【预订】Individual Development from an Interactional Perspective (Psychology Revivals)
预订 The Development of L2 Interactional Competence: A Multimodal Study of Complaining in French Interactions *语言交
海外直订Grammar of Interactional Language “互动语言语法”
海外直订Developing Interactional Competence 培养互动能力
【预订】The Interactional Feedback Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning
【预售】The Interactional Instinct: The Evolution and
海外直订医药图书Family Therapy: An Interactional Approach 家庭治疗:一种互动的方法
【预售】Questions: Formal, Functional and Interactional
预订 Relational Communication: An Interactional Perspective To the Study of Process and Form: 9780415761642
【预订】Longitudinal Interactional Histories: Bilingual and Biliterate Journeys of Mexican Immigrant-Origin Youth
预售 按需印刷 Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence
海外直订Wireless World: Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age 无线世界:移动时代的社交和互动方面
海外直订医药图书Interactional Coaching: Choice-Focused Learning at Work 互动辅导:工作中的选择导向学习
【预售】Interactional Leadership and How to Co
海外直订It's All About Interactional Speaking Skills: A Perspective on the Theory, Conte 交际能力是关键:理论、语境
Interactional Linguistics: Studying Language in Social Interaction 互动语言学:社会互动中的语言研究【中商原版】
海外直订Assessing Interactional Competence: Principles, Test Development and Validation 评估互动能力:原则,测试开
【预订】Individual Development from an Interactional Perspective
海外直订Interactional Approach to Cinematic Discourse: How Do Woody Allen's Characters T 电影话语的互动方法:伍迪·艾
海外直订Children's Language: Volume 11: Interactional Contributions To Language Developm 儿童语言:第11卷:语言发展
【预售】Exploring the Interactional Instinct
【预售】Developing Interactional Competence: A
【预订】Longitudinal Interactional Histories
海外直订Interactional Processes 相互影响的过程
海外直订The Interactional Feedback Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning 第二语言教学中的互动反馈维度
预订 Interactional Dynamics in Remote Interpreting: Micro-analytical Approaches 远程口译的互动动力学:微量分析方法: 9781
海外直订Development of L2 Interactional Competence 第二语言互动能力的发展
海外直订Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings: From School to the Workplac 机构环境中的互动能力:从学校到
海外直订Questions: Formal, Functional and Interactional Perspectives 问题
海外直订L2 Interactional Competence and Development 二语互动能力与发展
[预订]Interactional Research Into Problem-Based Learning 9781557538048
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【预订】Interactional Linguistics: Studying ...
海外直订The Discourse of the Ielts Speaking Test: Interactional Design and Practice 雅思口语测试:交互设计与实践
海外直订Interactional Ethnography: Designing and Conducting Discourse-Based Ethnographic 互动民族志:设计和实施基于
海外直订医药图书Joint Decision Making in Mental Health: An Interactional Approach 心理健康的联合决策:一种互动方法
海外直订Public and Situated Displays: Social and Interactional Aspects of Shared Display 公共和情境显示:共享显示技
海外直订医药图书The Interactional View 交互视图
[预订]A Multimodal Study of Sarcasm in Interactional Humor 9783110625899
[预订]Prosody and Embodiment in Interactional Grammar 9783110295047
海外直订The Development of L2 Interactional Competence: A Multimodal Study of Complainin 第二语言交际能力的发展:法
[预订]Interactional Humor 9783110996333
预订 Assessing Interactional Competence: Principles, Test Development and Validation through an L2 Chinese IC Test 通过
[预订]The Development of L2 Interactional Competence 9781032221168
海外直订Metadiscourse in Written Genres: Uncovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of 书面语体裁中的元话语:揭示
[预订]Interactional Ethnography 9781032104690
预订 Developing Interactional Competence at the Workplace: Learning English as a Foreign Language on the Shop Floor 在工
预订 Contemporary Auschwitz/O?wi?cim: An Interactional, Synchronic Approach to Collective Memory 当代奥斯威辛集中营:集
预订 Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence: Bridging Theory and Practice 第2语言交互能力的教学与测试:桥接理
预订 Questions: Formal, Functional and Interactional Perspectives - Questions: Formal, Functional and... [9781107595613]
【4周达】Interactional Linguistics: Studying Language in Social Interaction [9781107616035]
【4周达】Questions: Formal, Functional and Interactional Perspectives - Questions: Formal, Functional... [9780521762670]
【4周达】Exploring the Interactional Instinct [9780199927005]
预订 Teaching and Testing L2 Interactional Competence: Bridging Theory and Practice [9780367728854]
预订 Interactional Justice : The Role of Emotions in the Performance of Loyalty [9780367248796]
【4周达】Interactional Linguistics: Studying Language in Social Interaction [9781107032804]
预订 Interactional Research Into Problem-Based Learning [9781557538048]
【4周达】Wireless World : Social and Interactional Aspects of the Mobile Age [9781852334772]
【4周达】Family Therapy: An Interactional Approach [9781461329633]
【4周达】The Interactional Feedback Dimension in Instructed Second Language Learning: Linking Theory,... [9781472510143]
【4周达】The Discourse of the Ielts Speaking Test: Interactional Design and Practice [9781108437691]
【4周达】Language And Learning : An Interactional Perspective [9781850000280]
【4周达】Longitudinal Interactional Histories : Bilingual and Biliterate Journeys of Mexican Immigran... [9783319988146]
【4周达】Interactional Competences in Institutional Settings : From School to the Workplace [9783319468662]
【4周达】Visualizing Digital Discourse: Interactional, Institutional and Ideological Perspectives [9781501518744]
【4周达】Joint Decision Making in Mental Health : An Interactional Approach [9783030435301]
预订 English Language Learnersâ (Tm) Socially Constructed Motives and Interactional Moves [9781527509160]
【4周达】The Grammar of Interactional Language [9781108741446]
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【4周达】Metadiscourse in Written Genres: Uncovering Textual and Interactional Aspects of Texts [9783631720622]