预售 按需印刷 Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation
预售 按需印刷 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing
【预订】Translingual Practice
预订 Lessons from a Translingual Romance: Conflict and Cultural Innovation of Intercultural Couples 跨语际浪漫的教训:跨
【预订】Translingual Discrimination 9781009209731
预订 Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women: Translingual Selves: Translingual Selves 法语与法语国家
预订 Translingual Practices: Playfulness and Precariousness 翻译实践:嬉戏与不稳定: 9781316513514
【预订】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities: A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language Learning Histor...
【预订】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities
[预订]Translingual Inheritance 9780822946687
【预订】Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation
预订 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing 作为跨语言作品的跨国文化自传: 9780367201821
【预售】Switching Languages: Translingual Writers Reflect on
按需印刷Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation[9780367549121]
按需印刷Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women:Translingual Selves[9780367150327]
海外直订Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education: Pedagogies on Lin 幼儿基础教育中的跨语言伙伴语言
海外直订Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroo 美国大学课堂中的翻译身份和
海外直订Translingual Words Translingual的话
海外直订Translingual Practices and Neoliberal Policies: Attitudes and Strategies of Afri 跨语言实践和新自由主义政策:非
海外直订The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italop 跨语言诗歌:当代斜体字诗歌
海外直订Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities: A Multimodal Approach to Explorin 跨语言身份的学习者叙事:探
海外直订Literacy as Translingual Practice: Between Communities and Classrooms 作为跨语言实践的识字:在社区和教室之
海外直订Translingual Practices: Playfulness and Precariousness 翻译实践:游戏性和不稳定性
【4周达】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities : A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language ... [9783030070373]
预订 Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation [9780367549121]
海外直订Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Tran... 法语国家的跨语言现象与翻译的限度
海外直订Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations 跨语言实践:全球英语与世界主义关系
海外直订Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education: Pedagogies on Lin 幼儿基础教育中的跨语言伙伴
【4周达】Learner Narratives of Translingual Identities : A Multimodal Approach to Exploring Language ... [9783319954370]
【4周达】Lessons from a Translingual Romance : Conflict and Cultural Innovation of Intercultural Couples [9783031329203]
【4周达】Toward Translingual Realities in Composition: (Re)Working Local Language Representations and... [9781607329039]
【4周达】Literacy as Translingual Practice : Between Communities and Classrooms [9780415524667]
【4周达】Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Translation [9780367549152]
【4周达】The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry [9781781885925]
【4周达】Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroom [9780367026363]
【4周达】Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations [9780415683982]
按需印刷Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing[9780367201838]
【4周达】Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education : Pedagogies on Linguistic and... [9781433149399]
预订 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing [9780367201821]
预订 Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women : Translingual Selves [9780367150327]
【4周达】Translingual Partners in Early Childhood Elementary-Education : Pedagogies on Linguistic and... [9781433149382]
【4周达】Translingual Discrimination [9781009209731]
【4周达】The Translingual Verse: Migration, Rhythm, and Resistance in Contemporary Italophone Poetry [9781781885963]
海外直订Translingual Discrimination Translingual歧视
预订 Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing [9780367201838]
海外直订Translingual Francophonie and the Limits of Tran... 译语法语国家与翻译的局限
【4周达】Translingual Identities - Language and the Self in Stefan Heym and Jakov Lind: Language and ... [9781571135476]
海外直订Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroo 美国大学课堂中的跨语言认同
海外直订Translingual Practice: Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations 跨语言实践:全球英语与国际关系
海外直订Transnational Literacy Autobiographies as Translingual Writing 跨国文学自传与跨语言写作
【4周达】Translingual Identities and Transnational Realities in the U.S. College Classroom [9780367026387]
【4周达】Literacy as Translingual Practice: Between Communities and Classrooms [9780415524674]
【4周达】Language, Social Media and Ideologies : Translingual Englishes, Facebook and Authenticities [9783030261382]
【4周达】Translingual and Transnational Graduate Education in Rhetoric and Composition [9781646423255]
【4周达】Multilingual Life Writing by French and Francophone Women: Translingual Selves [9781032087566]
【4周达】Translingual Practice : Global Englishes and Cosmopolitan Relations [9780415684002]
【4周达】Translingual Dispositions: The Affordances of Globalized Approaches to the Teaching of Writing [9781646421039]