【预售】Microbial Adhesion and Invasion
【预售】Leukocyte Adhesion Molecules: Proceedings of the
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[预订]Interfacial Phenomena in Adhesion and Adhesive Bonding 9789819944552
【预售】Particles on Surfaces 2: Detection, Adhesion, ...
【预订】Adhesion 13
【预售】Particles on Surfaces 1: Detection, Adhesion, ...
【预售】Adhesion and Adsorption of Polymers
【预订】Adhesion 15
【预订】Adhesion 9
【预订】Studying Cell Adhesion
【预售】Cell Adhesion Molecules: Cellular Recognition Mec
【预售】Vascular Adhesion Molecules and Inflammation
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【预订】Adhesion 12
【预售】Adhesion Science and Technology
【预售】Adhesion Problems in the Recycling of Concrete
【预售】Adhesion in Cellulosic and Wood-Based Composites
【预售】Bacterial Adhesion to Cells and Tissues
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【预订】Handbook of Bacterial Adhesion 9781617371929
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【预售】Pelvic Surgery: Adhesion Formation and Prevention
【预售】Adhesion Protein Protocols
【预订】Microbial Adhesion and Aggregation: ...
【预订】Adhesion Molecules: Function and Inhibition
【预订】Adhesion Protein Protocols
【预售】Toward Anti-Adhesion Therapy for Microbial Diseases
【预售】Cellular Adhesion: Molecular Definition to Therap
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【预售】Surface and Interfacial Aspects of Cell Adhesion
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【预订】Polymer Surface Modification: Relevance to Adhesion, Volume 1
【预订】Signaling Through Cell Adhesion Molecules
【预订】Polymer Adhesion, Friction, and Lubrication
【预订】Adhesion Measurement of Films and Coatings
【预订】Plasma Surface Modification of Polymers: Relevance to Adhesion
【预订】Adhesion Aspects of Thin Films, Volume 1
【预订】Adhesion Measurement Methods
【预订】Adhesion in Foods - Fundamental Prin...
【预订】Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives
【预订】Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives, ...
【预订】Adhesion in Pharmaceutical, Biomedic...
【预订】Cell Adhesion and Migration in Skin Disease
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【预售】Cellular Adhesion in Development and Disease